
Chapter 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of this guideline is to stipulate the details of penalties levied against persons in violation of library rules.

Chapter 2 (Scope of Application)

This guideline is for all users who use the central library and each of its branches.

Chapter 3 (Unauthorized Removal and Damage of Materials)

Users are prohibited from removing, damaging, or tainting library materials without permission, or from damaging, destroying, or stealing library facilities and its articles. Violation of this article shall be subject to penalties in accordance with Article 32 of the library regulations (penalties against unauthorized removal of materials, etc.).

Chapter 4 (Loaning of student IDs and accounts)

The act of lending, borrowing, and stealing student IDs, ID cards, passes for library access, or accounts that can access the library website to others is prohibited. If a user violates this rule once, they will be banned from entering the library for 10 days. If a user violates this rule twice or more, they will be banned from entering the library for 1 month.

Chapter 5 (Noise, Food and Beverage)

Outside the designated areas of the library, loud noises, chatting, use of cell phones, and consumption of food other than beverages with lids are prohibited. If a user violates this rule, the library staff may instruct them to stop or remove them from the premises.

Chapter 6 (Smoking)

Smoking is prohibited in the library. If a user violates this rule, the library staff will ask the user to leave immediately and ban the suer from entering the library for 10 days. If a user violates this rule twice or more, their access to the library will be prohibited for 1 month.

Chapter 7 (Using Computer)

Users are prohibited from using the library's computers for purposes other than learning. If a user violates this rule, the library staff may instruct them to stop or remove them from the premises.

Chapter 8 (Posting Unauthorized Documents)

Posting of documents outside of the designated places or posting unauthorized documents is prohibited. If a user violates this rule, the library staff may remove the document.

Chapter 9 (Distribution or sale of printed materials and goods)

Printed materials issued by the university's institutions or printed materials approved by the library may not be kept or distributed in the library. If a user is found distributing printed materials or selling items, the library staff will immediately leave the room and may confiscate the printed materials or sold items. Furthermore, the Director may prohibit the user’s access to the library for a certain period of time.

Chapter 10 (Interference or other acts against the purpose of the library)

Any act that violates the purpose of the library, such as an act that harms the quiet study atmosphere, an act that interferes with the learning of other users, any abhorrent behavior, or an act that threatens the safety of other users is prohibited. In some cases, users in violation of this rule may be banned from accessing the library for a certain period of time.
Additional Rules
This guideline shall be effective from September 1, 2012.