Purchase Request

This system enables the library to purchase materials within its budget according to the university’s resource selection criteria, upon request from the faculty or students. If users apply for materials that are valuable to have at the university library, the library purchases the materials in accordance with the procedure described below.

How to Request

Request Procedure

  • 01

    My Library

  • 02

    Material for purchase

  • 03

    1.Request purchase directly to the library(book title, author publisher, and date of publication.)2.Search for the material at the library, then request purchase if unavailable(book information search.)

  • 04

    Library Approval

Check Status of Requested Book

  • 01

    My Library

  • 02

    Request material for purchase and progress

  • 03

    Check progress from the material progress page

  • When the library receives and processes the requested material, it notifies the user via e-mail. (My Library > Users must register their e-mail address in advance from the Edit Personal Information page.)
  • Books from overseas are reserved for a certain period of time (three weeks ~ one month) in the New Materials section of each library so the requesting user can borrow them first.
  • This process takes the library roughly three to five weeks for books published in Korea and one to two months for books published in foreign countries (specific period is subject to change). Please specify other requests in the remarks field.