Storage Material

  • Storage Materials are old and rarely used books and reference materials, which users cannot find on their own.

How to Apply

  • Log on to the library website > Library Catalog > Detailed search results > (보존자료신청) click the button
    ※Cannot request via the library app

Request Atatus / Cancel

  • Application details can be accessed from the Resource access request status > Storage material access request status
    ※Cannot cancel request when requested item is at the archived resource shelf

Loan / Return

  • Storage material can be collected during the following hours
preservation book Request status inquiry / cancle
Requested hours Loan hours
before 10:40 after 11:00
before 13:40 after 14:00
before 16:40 after 17:00
※Requests made after 16:40 on weekdays can be picked up after 11:00 the next day. Requests made after 16:40 on Friday can be picked up after 11:00 on the following Monday.
  • If the requested material is available for loan, the user shall be notified by SMS on his/her mobile phone
  • User must pick up the requested material within three days (not including date of notification) upon receiving the notification

Users prohibited from requesting access to archived materials

  • Users who have overdue items or suspended from making loans
  • Users who have exceeded their loan limit cannot request access to archived materials
  • If a user fails to pick up the requested archived material, he/she shall be prohibited from requesting access to archived materials for the next 30 days
  • Users cannot request access to the same archived materials
Contact : Central Library 1F Loan desk (053-950-4676)