Research Support Service

KNU Library provides various research support services to support the
research activities of the university members.

Service Target Contents How to apply How to supply
Customized research
method support
(e.g. professors and graduate students)
  • This service provides customized research methods according to research topics, relevant information sources, and data acquisition methods.
  • Apply for the service on the library website with information: Research topic, keyword, and research purpose, etc.
The applicant’s
Journal recommendation Researchers
(e.g. professors and graduate students)
  • This service recommends a high relevant journal to submit the prepared manuscript.
  • Apply for the service on the library website with information: Research topic, keyword, and research purpose, etc.
The applicant’s
Journal information
(e.g. professors and graduate students)
  • This service provides detailed information and submission checklists of the target journals.
  • Apply for the service on the library website with information: Journal name with ISSN or Journal web site.
The applicant’s