Phytochemical Screening, Free Radical Scavenging Activity, In-vitro Alpha-amylase Enzyme&nbspand&nbspGlucose Diffusion Inhibition Activity of Hexane&nbspand&nbspMethanol Extracts of&nbspselected Medic
Writer 바***람
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Writer : 김억기        reply date : 2022/04/26
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=================[이하 원글]=================
[원글] 바***람 님이 쓰신글
제목 : Phytochemical Screening, Free Radical Scavenging Activity, In-vitro Alpha-amylase Enzyme and Glucose Diffusion Inhibition Activity of Hexane and Methanol Extracts of selected Medic
내용 : Diabetes mellitus is a group of physiological disorder which is characterized by low secretion of insulin due to irreversible damage of insulin producing β-cell of pancreas due to of autoimmune disorder (Type I). Likewise, target cell of insulin become insulin resistance (Type II) or excessive glucagon secretion which results in elevation of blood glucose level (Blair, 2016). This increment in the level of blood glucose leads to several other life threatening complications such as damage to small and large blood vessels, cardiovascular disease (CVD), neuropathy, retinopathy and nephropathy (Zarkogianni et al., 2015). According to IDF diabetes atlas, the global prev alence of diabetes in adult is 8.8% and it is predicted to rise up to 10.4% until 2040 with around 16.2% live birth associate with hyperglycemia during pregnancy (Whiting et al., 2011). Similarly, vascular complications during diabetes are particularly caused by oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is particularly elevated in diabetic patient due to inability of endogenous antioxidant system such as catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase enzyme to neutralize the increased production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). Therefore, targeting ROS induced oxidative stress is also an effective strategy for the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus (Asmat et al., 2016).
Writer : 김억기        reply date : 2022/04/26
title : 답변드립니다.

This is Kim Eok-gi, the person in charge of overseas electronic resources at the library.
The material you requested is presumed to be provided by PubMed.
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* Procedures for using the original text copy service: Log in to the library website > Use materials > Copy the original text
If you have any further questions, please contact us at 053-950-4624.
Email: oasis4747@knu.ac.kr

=================[이하 원글]=================
[원글] 바***람 님이 쓰신글
제목 : Phytochemical Screening, Free Radical Scavenging Activity, In-vitro Alpha-amylase Enzyme and Glucose Diffusion Inhibition Activity of Hexane and Methanol Extracts of selected Medic
내용 : Diabetes mellitus is a group of physiological disorder which is characterized by low secretion of insulin due to irreversible damage of insulin producing β-cell of pancreas due to of autoimmune disorder (Type I). Likewise, target cell of insulin become insulin resistance (Type II) or excessive glucagon secretion which results in elevation of blood glucose level (Blair, 2016). This increment in the level of blood glucose leads to several other life threatening complications such as damage to small and large blood vessels, cardiovascular disease (CVD), neuropathy, retinopathy and nephropathy (Zarkogianni et al., 2015). According to IDF diabetes atlas, the global prev alence of diabetes in adult is 8.8% and it is predicted to rise up to 10.4% until 2040 with around 16.2% live birth associate with hyperglycemia during pregnancy (Whiting et al., 2011). Similarly, vascular complications during diabetes are particularly caused by oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is particularly elevated in diabetic patient due to inability of endogenous antioxidant system such as catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase enzyme to neutralize the increased production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). Therefore, targeting ROS induced oxidative stress is also an effective strategy for the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus (Asmat et al., 2016).
Diabetes mellitus is a group of physiological disorder which is characterized by low secretion of insulin due to irreversible damage of insulin producing β-cell of pancreas due to of autoimmune disorder (Type I). Likewise, target cell of insulin become insulin resistance (Type II) or excessive glucagon secretion which results in elevation of blood glucose level (Blair, 2016). This increment in the level of blood glucose leads to several other life threatening complications such as damage to small and large blood vessels, cardiovascular disease (CVD), neuropathy, retinopathy and nephropathy (Zarkogianni et al., 2015). According to IDF diabetes atlas, the global prev alence of diabetes in adult is 8.8% and it is predicted to rise up to 10.4% until 2040 with around 16.2% live birth associate with hyperglycemia during pregnancy (Whiting et al., 2011). Similarly, vascular complications during diabetes are particularly caused by oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is particularly elevated in diabetic patient due to inability of endogenous antioxidant system such as catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase enzyme to neutralize the increased production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). Therefore, targeting ROS induced oxidative stress is also an effective strategy for the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus (Asmat et al., 2016).