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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
860 The dark side of internal capital allocation / 대외경제정책연구원 Korea Institute for International Economic Policy 2002 382.908 대66ㄷ
859 International symposium on "East Asian economic zone" / 대외경제정책연구원. 동북아경제협력센터 동북아경제협력센터 대외경제정책연구원 2003 338.95 K84i
858 Hanging together / 대외경제정책연구원 Korea Institute for International Economic Policy 2002 382.081 K84w
857 Analysis of the trade negotiation options in the East Asian context / 대외경제정책연구원 Korea Institute for International Economic Policy 2003 337.081 K84p
856 Investment, productivity and comparative advantage / World Bank Industry and Energy Department World Bank Industry and Energy Dept., PPR 1990 333.708 W927i
855 Technology strategy and policy for industrial competitiveness / World Bank Industry and Energy Department World Bank Industry and Energy Dept., PPR 1990 333.708 W927i
854 Technological advance and organizational innovation in the engineering industry / World Bank Industry and Energy Department World Bank Industry and Energy Dept., PPR 1989 333.708 W927i
853 Capital mobility in Korea since the early 1980s / 좌 승희 Korea Development Institute 1992 338.951 K841k
852 Direct foreign investment in Korea / 이 원영 Korea Development Institute 1987 338.951 K841k
851 Export credits / Brau, Eduard H International Monetary Fund 1986 382.63 E963