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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
820 The benefits and costs of official export credit programs of industrialized countries / Fleisig, Heywood W World Bank 1984 330.9 W9272
819 The supply response for rubber in Sri Lanka / Hartley, Michael J., 1943- World Bank 1984 330.9 W9272
818 Alternative agricultural pricing policies in the Republic of Korea / Braverman, Avishay, 1948- World Bank 1983 330.9 W9272
817 Technological change and industrial development / Moore, Frederick T World Bank 1983 330.9 W9272
816 Identifying the urban poor in Brazil / Hicks, James F., 1944- World Bank 1983 330.9 W9272
815 The nature of credit markets in developing countries / Virmani, Arvind, 1949- World Bank 1982 330.9 W9272
814 The effects of population growth, of the pattern of demand, and of technology on the process of urbanization / Mohan, Rakesh, 1948- World Bank 1982 330.9 W9272
813 Location factors in the decentralization of industry / Townroe, P. M World Bank 1983 330.9 W9272
812 The Hungarian economic reform, 1968-81 / Balassa, Bela A The World Bank 1982 330.9 W9272
811 Adjustment experience and growth prospects of the semi-industrial economies / Jaspersen, Frederick Z World Bank 1981 330.9 W9272