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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
10 Proceedings seventh conference of the International Planned Parenthood Federation, February 10-16, 1963, Singapore Excerpta Medica Foundation 1991 016.61 P963
9 Mansion's concise French & English dictionary / Mansion, J. E D. C. Heath and Company 0 443 M288
8 The dictionary of political analysis / Plano, Jack C ABC-Clio 1982 320.3 P712d2
7 The international relations dictionary / Plano, Jack C ABC-Clio 1982 327.03 P712i3
6 The African political dictionary / Phillips, Claude S ABC-Clio Information Services 1984 960.3 P558a
5 The Latin American political dictionary / Rossi, Ernest E ABC-Clio 1980 980.3 R831l
4 Bibliography on economic cooperation among developing countries, 1981-1982 / Verbic, Nada Westview Press 1984 016.337 V478b
3 The Soviet and East European political dictionary / McCrea, Barbara P ABC-Clio Information Services 1984 947.03 M132s
2 Roget's international thesaurus / Roget, Peter Mark, 1779-1869 Harper & Row 1984 424.03 R732h4
1 Austria Federal Press 1983 914.36 A938
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