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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
367 Facing death / Kavanaugh, Robert Nash Pub 1973 155.937 K21f
366 Mencius / Mencius Penguin 1970 181.226 M536nL
365 Small town in mass society / Vidich, Arthur J Doubleday & Company 1960 301 V653s
364 Cassell's concise German-English, English-German dictionary / Sasse, H.-C Cassell 1977 433.2 S252c
363 On death and dying / Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth Macmillan 1969 155.93 K95o
362 The voice of Asia / Michener, James A. (James Albert), 1907- Random House 1951 915 M623v
361 Khrushchev and Stalin's ghost / Wolfe, Bertram David, 1896-1977 Greenwood Press 1957 947.085 W855k
360 The children of the dream / Bettelheim, Bruno Macmillan 1969 301.43 B565c
359 The presentation of self in everyday life / Goffman, Erving Doubleday 1959 301.15 G612p
358 Growing up in society / Booth, Tony Methuen 1975 301.1572 B725g