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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
30 クラシック音樂鑑賞事典 / Shinbo, Keiichirō 講談社 1985 780.3 S556k
29 中國硏究文獻案內 / Ichiko, Chūzō 東京大學出版會 1974 016.952 I16c
28 コンピュ-タ用語辭典 / Nihon Keizai Shimbunsha 日本經濟新聞社 1983 004.03 N691k
27 Reference tables to the future of population growth / Frejka, Tomas Population Council, United States 1973 304.6 F866r
26 Directory constitution and by-laws / American Sociological Association American Sociological Association 19 301.06 A512d
25 Population of Philippines / United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific United Nations 1978 312.09599 U58p
24 Demographic yearbook 1962 / United Nations United Nations 1963 312 U58d14
23 Demographic yearbook 1963 / United Nations United Nations 1964 312 U58d15
22 Demographic yearbook 1964 / United Nations United Nations 1965 312 U58d16
21 Demographic yearbook 1965 / United Nations United Nations 1966 312 U58d17
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