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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
40 社會學辭典 / Fukutake, Tadashi 有斐閣 1958 303 사96ㅇ
39 Kenkyusha's new dictionary of English collocations / Katsumata, Senkichiro Kenkyusha 1958 423.53 K19k
38 The Religious situation Beacon Press 1968 205.8 R382
37 AZ London Geographers' A-Z Map Co 1990 912.421 A989g2
36 社會科學大事典 / Kajima Kenkyūjo 鹿島硏究所 出版會 1974 303 사96록4
35 Archives de sociologie des religions / Deconchy, J. P Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 1972 016.301 D296a
34 A dictionary of synonyms and antonyms and 5000 words most often mispronounced / Devlin, Joseph World Pub 1938 422.03 D554
33 中國思想·宗敎·文化關係 論文目錄 / Chūkoku Shishō Shūkyōshi Kenkyūkai 國書刊行會 1976 016.1812 C559c
32 朝鮮總督府統計年報 / Chōsen Sōtokufu 朝鮮總督府 19 315.1 C551c
31 新しい國語表記ハンドブック / Sanseidō. Henshūsho 三省堂 1981 413.15 S229a2
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