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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
1810 Of human bondage / Maugham, William Somerset, 1874-1965 Pocket Books 1970 823.9 M449o
1809 An outline history of English literature / Hudson, William Henry 金星堂 1967 820.9 H886e2a
1808 西式健康法 / Nishi, Katsuzo 中庸出版社 1937 613.7 N724n
1807 Tell me how the sun rose / Clymer, Theodore Ginn And Co 1976 372.3 T273
1806 Students to companion to the new king's crown readers / Sanseidō. Henshūsho 三省堂 1939 428.4 S229s4
1805 獨逸語讀本の硏究 / Momoi, Tsuruo 太陽堂 1941 438.6 도73ㄷ
1804 The news media / Hulteng, John L., 1921- Prentice-Hall 1979 070.4 H917n
1803 New light readers / Tokyo Jisho Shupponsha Henshūbn 東京辭書出版社 1927 428.4 T646n5
1802 The History of language / Sweet, Henry [s.n.] 1920 409 S974h
1801 The historical study of the mother tongue / Wyld, Henry Cecil 千城書房 1962 420.9 W982h