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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
530 Food & fiber for the future Superinten of Documents 1967 338 F686
529 Government and agriculture / Hathaway, Dale E Macmillan 1963 338.10973 H363g
528 People and productivity / Sutermeister, Robert A McGraw-Hill 1963 658.5 S965p
527 企業戰略と産業發展 / 서 정해 白桃書房 1995 658.401 S478k
526 科學技術要覽 / Japan. Kagaku Gijutsuchō. Kagaku Gijutsu Seisakukyoku 大藏省 1989 602 J35k
525 The United States and the developing economies / Ranis, Gustav Norton 1973 338.91 R197u2
524 Leading issues in economic development / Meier, Gerald M Oxford University Press 1970 339.1 M511l2
523 Elites in Latin America / Lipset, Seymour Martin Oxford University Press 1967 301.098 L767e
522 International trade economic development / Helleiner, Gerald. K Penguin Books 1972 382.09172 H477i
521 Economic development and planning / Sellekaerts, Willy International Arts and Sciences Press 1974 338.9 S467e