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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
720 聖書 日本聖書協會 1979 220 성535일
719 Selections from McCarthy's history of our own times / McCarthy, Justin Sanseido 0 942 M123s
718 Prentice hall literature Prentice Hall 1991 820.9 P927p2
717 The Making of English / Bradley, Henry Macmillan And CO 1925 422 B811m
716 Your world in prose and verse / Wellons, Blanche Laidlaw brothers 1942 428.6 W452y
715 The selections from fine english writings / 최 광열 Pyo Jun Sha 1954 428 C514s
714 Diamond readers / 김 재근 Keum-Ryong Pub 1959 428 K49d
713 世界知識百講 / Omori, Katsuryū 一心社 1934 031.3 O56s
712 日本歷史の內省 / Akiyama, Kenzō 岩波書店 1943 953.1 A315n
711 The old world and its ways / Bryan, William Jennings The Thompson Publishing Company 1907 940 B915o