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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
700 Economic doctrine and method / Schumpeter, Joseph Oxford Univ. Press 1954 330.18 S392eEa
699 The great depression of 1990 / Batra, Raveendra N Simon & Schuster 1987 338.54 B334g2
698 Development and underdevelopment / Furtado, Celso University of California Press 1964 338.01 F992dA
697 計量經濟學 / Moriguchi, Chikashi 岩波書店 1974 330.1543 M856k
696 Guatemala's economic development Iowa State University Press 1971 338.10972 G918
695 80年代の通産政策ビジョン / Japan. Tsūshō Sangyōshō. Sangyō kōzō Shingikai 通商産業調査會 1980 338.953 J35h
694 Energy economics and policy / Griffin, James M Academic Press 1980 333.79 G851e
693 90年代の電子技術豫測 / Japan. Tsūshō Sangyōshō. Denshi Sangyō Chūki Tenbō Kondankai. Gijutsu Yosoku Bunkakai 工業調査會 1990 621.381 J35k
692 The theory of general economic equilibrium / Kuenne, Robert E Princeton University Press 1963 330.182 K95t
691 The World Bank research program / World Bank The Bank 1981 338.9 W927w