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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
190 存在と時間 / Heidegger, Martin, 1889-1976 三笠書房 1940 193 H465sT
189 Philosophie der Natur / Hartmann, Nicolai, 1881-1951 Walter de Gruyter 1950 193 H333pi
188 Spoken Portuguese / Kany, Charles Emil, 1895- D.C. Heath and Company 1947 469.798 K16s
187 舟橋聖一集 / Funabashi, Seiichi, 1904-1976 河出書房 1972 813.082 N6913
186 文體と意味 / Jacobs, Roderick A 大修館書店 1972 401.5 제69ㅂ
185 現代國語 2 / Gendai Kokugo Henshū I'inkai 三省堂 1972 413 G325g2
184 實存哲學 / Heinemann, Fritz 理想社 1964 111.1 H468jI
183 Point counter point / Huxley, Aldous Leonard Penguin Books 1957 823.9 H986p
182 The last of the Mohicans / Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851 New American Library 1962 823.7 C777l
181 Story of the Bible animals / Wood, J. G. (John George), 1827-1889 Office of Charles Foster's publications 1888 820.8 W875s