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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
96 Macroeconomic theory / Williams, Harold R Appleton-Century-Crofts 1969 330.15 W723m
95 석가불자법요집 석가사 1992 294.61 석11
94 Social choice and individual values / Arrow, Kenneth Joseph, 1921- Wiley 1963 301.1 A778s2
93 Mathematical theories of economic growth / Burmeister, Edwin Macmillan 1970 330.1 B962m
92 The anti-Samuelson / Linder, Marc Urizen Books : distributed by Dutton 1977 330 L743a
91 Economic growth / Wan, Henry Y Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1971 330 W244e
90 Economic theory in retrospect / Blaug, Mark Cambridge University Press 1978 330.109 B645e3
89 Macroeconomics / Beare, John Macmillan Pub. Co 1978 339 B368m
88 Of human bondage / Maugham, William Somerset, 1874-1965 Pocket Books 1950 823.9 M449o
87 The moon and sixpence / Maugham, William Somerset Penguin Books 1919 823.9 M449mo