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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
5507 Christian beginnings / Enslin, Morton Scott, 1897- Harper & Brothers 1956 270 E59c
5506 Daily life in the time of Jesus / Daniel-Rops, Henri, 1901-1965 New American Library 1964 226.067 D185dO
5505 The big questions / Solomon, Robert C Harcourt Brace College Publishers 1998 100 S689b5
5504 Classical social theory / Craib, Ian, 1945- Oxford University Press 1997 301.01 C886c
5503 Detraditionalization / Heelas, Paul Blackwell Publishers 1996 303.4 H458d
5502 Destroying the world to save it / Lifton, Robert Jay, 1926- Henry Holt and Co 1999 299.93 L722d
5501 A Design for sociology / Bierstedt, Robert., 1913- [American Academy of Political and Social Science] 1969 301 D457
5500 The division of labor in society / Durkheim, Emile, 1858-1917 Free Press 1964 306.36 D963dS
5499 Diversity and its discontents / Smelser, Neil J Princeton University Press 1999 303.48 D618
5498 Contending approaches to world system analysis / Thompson, William R Sage Publications 1983 341.2 C761