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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
96 The United States and China / Fairbank, John King The Viking Press 1958 327.73052 F164un
95 The archaeology of knowledge / Foucault, Michel Pantheon Books [1972] 001.2 F762aS
94 The Armada / Mattingly, Garrett Houghton Mifflin 1959 946.04 M444a
93 Authority, participation and cultural change in China;essays by a European study group / Schram, Stuart R University Press 1973 330.952 A939
92 The civil examinations and the social structure in early Yi Dynasty Korea, 1392-1600 / 최 용호 Korean Research Center 1987 951.5 C426c
91 Civilization in the West / Brinton, Crane Prentice-Hall 1964 901.9 B858
90 Dream of the red chamber / Cao, Xueqin Doubleday 1958 812.31 C235dW
89 An economic interpretation of the Constitution of the United States / Beard, Charles Austin Free Press 1941-1913 342.73 B368ec
88 Elements of Chinese historiography / Han, Yu-shan W.M. Hawley 1955 952.01 H233e
87 Embassy at war / Noble, Harold Joyce University of Washington Press [1975] c1974 951.9 N748e