서명 / 저자The consensus-conflict debate : form and content in social theories / Thomas J. Bernard.
개인저자Bernard, Thomas J.
발행사항New York : Columbia University Press, 1983.
형태사항xi, 229 p. ; 24 cm.
서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
주제명Sociology Methodology. Consensus (Social sciences) Conflict (Psychology) Social values.
ISBN0231056702 (alk. paper) : 8.00 0231056710 (pbk. : alk. paper) : 4.00
청구기호301.01 B522c


번호 등록번호 소장위치 청구기호
1 2640016 김우현문고 우 301.01 B522c c.3
2 2578831 현석문고 현 301.01 B522c c.2