서명 / 저자Beyond the new left.
개인저자Howe, Irving.
발행사항New York : McCall Pub., 1970.
형태사항vi, 249 p. ; 22 cm.
서지주기Includes bibliographical references.
내용New styles in "leftism", by I. Howe.--The mystical militants, by M. Harrington.--"Confrontation politics" is a dangerous game, by I. Howe.--Unreason and revolution, by R. Lowenthal.--The new reformation, by P. Goodman.--Pure tolerance: a critique of criticisms, by D. Spitz.--Fanon and Debray: theorists after the third world, by L. Coser.--A day in the life of a Socialist citizen, by M. Walzer.--One dimensional pessimism: a critique of Herbert Marcuse's theories, by A. Graubard.--Revisionist historians and the cold war, by H. Pachter.--"Middle-class" workers and the new politics, by B. Sexton.--Black studies: trouble ahead, by E. D. Genovese.--The case for professionalism, by R. Brustein.--The Black Panthers, by T. Draper.--Turning on for freedom: the curious love affair of sex and freedom, by E. V. Kohák.
주제명Radicalism United States. New left United States.
청구기호320.50973 H856b


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