서명 / 저자図書館の社会理論 / マイケル·ハリス 著 ; 根本彰 編訳.
개인저자Harris, Michael H. 900-01 Nemoto, Akira.
발행사항東京 : 靑弓社, 1991.
형태사항212, vi p. ; 20 cm.
서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
일반사항Translation of: Michalel H. Harris, "The dialectic of defeat : antinomies in research in library and information science," Library Trends, vol. 34, Winter 1986, pp. 515-534 ; Michalel H. Harris, "State, class and cultural reproduction : toward a theory of library service in the United States," Advances in Librarianship, vol. 14, 1986, pp. 211-252.
내용勝敗の辨證法 -- 國家, 階級および文化的再生産.
웹자원정보Table of Contents http://www.riss.kr/Keris_abstoc.do?no=01741256
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