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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
322 Other ways of growing old / Amoss, Pamela T Stanford University Press 1981 305.2 O87
321 Guide to fossil man / Day, Michael H World Pub. Co 1965 569.9 D274g
320 The foundations of social anthropology / Nadel, S. F. (Siegfried Frederick), 1903-1956 Cohen & West 1951 301 N134f
319 Human biology / Vallin, Jean Sterling Pub. Co 1969 612 V188h
318 Fossil Men / Boule, Marcellin Thames and Hudson 1957 569.9 B763f
317 The ecology and evolution of animal behavior / Wallace, Robert A Goodyear Pub. Co 1973 591.5 W193e
316 Handbook of North American Indians / D'Azevedo, Warren L Smithsonian Institution 1900 970.004 H236
315 Karst / Herak, Milan Elsevier Pub. Co 1972 551.44 H531k
314 Stratigraphy and sedimentation / Krumbein, W. C Freeman 1953 551.7 K94s
313 Ископаемые гоминиды и происхождение человека / буиак, В. В Издательство 1966 599.9 I81