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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
4112 (참여정부의) 평화번영정책 / 한국. 통일부 통일부 2003 320.951 통696ㅍ
4111 국민의 정부 2년, 대북정책 성과 및 평가 / 한국. 통일부 통일부 1999 320.951 통6922ㄱ
4110 Economic hardship and regime sustainability in North Korea / 통일연구원 Korea Institute for National Unification 2008 320.951 K84s
4109 Changes in North Korea as reveales in the testimonies of saetomins / 통일연구원 Korea Institute for National Unification 2008 320.951 K84s
4108 Internal and external perceptions of the North Korean army / 통일연구원 Korea Institute for National Unification 2008 320.951 K84s
4107 PSI and the South Korean position / 통일연구원 Korea Institute for National Unification 2008 320.951 K84s
4106 Conceptions of democracy and human rights in the democratic people's Republic of Korea / 통일연구원 Korea Institute for National Unification 2008 320.951 K84s
4105 The changes of everyday life in North Korea in the aftermath of their economic difficulties / 통일연구원 Korea Institute for National Unification 2007 320.951 K84s
4104 North Korea's agricultural reforms and challenges in the wake of the july 1 measure / 통일연구원 Korea Institute for National Unification 2007 320.951 K84s
4103 A study on the reality and prospect of economic reform in North Korea / 통일연구원 Korea Institute for National Unification 2007 320.951 K84s