
번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
1366 山村の構造 / Furushima, Toshio 御茶の水書房 1954 307.72 F992s
1365 Locational analysis in human geography / Haggett, Peter Wiley 1977 911 H145l2
1364 日本の地形 / Kaizuka, Sōhei 岩波書店 1977 082 I961
1363 An Outline of American geography United States Information Service 1976 917 A512
1362 Elements of regional economics / Richardson, Harry Ward Penguin Books 1969 307.1 R521e
1361 都市調査法 / Yamaga, Seiji 古今書院 1970 307.76 Y19t
1360 基督敎史 / Ishihara, Ken 岩波書店 1938 260.9 석67ㄱ
1359 ガリシスムの硏究 / Inoue, Genjirō 白水社 1953 448.2 I58g
1358 서울東部低位侵蝕面의 分析 : 漢江下流의 低位侵蝕面地形 硏究 / 김 상호 서울大學校 出版部 1966 551.4 김51ㅎ
1357 Regional and urban development, transporation and environment / Chung, Hee-Soo Korea Section of the Regional Science Association 1985 307.1 R336