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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
1169 (新生)韓英辭典 / 유 형기 New Life Press 1947 423.11 유94ㅎ
1168 The new more streets and roads W. J. Gage and Company Limited 1955 428.4 N532
1167 英語の現在と過去 / Aiken, Janet R 硏究社 1922 420 A291eU
1166 Collision of East and West / Maurer, Herrymon Henry Regency Company 1951 915 M453c
1165 Introduction to psychology / Boring, Edwin Garrigues John Wiley & Sons 1939 150 I61
1164 日本地理風俗大系 誠文堂新光社 1940 953.1 N691s2
1163 새사전 / 홍 웅선 대한교과서 1959 411.3 홍67ㅅ
1162 (大學入試를 위한)새 漢文硏究 / 조 두현 一志社 1972 411.15 조227ㅅ
1161 Using our world / Powers, Samuel Ralph, 1887-1970 Ginn and Co 1946 500 U85
1160 生きた敎育哲學 / Washburne, Carloth 春秋社 1940 370.1 W314iA