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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
249 物理學の要點 / Chutō Rigakukai 光世館 1927 373.236 C564b
248 高等數學通論 / Tsuji, Masatsugu 共立出版 1956 510 십73ㄱ
247 漢文入門 / Ogawa, Tamaki 岩波書店 1978 413.84 소813ㅎ
246 劍道精義 / Yamamoto, Haruzō 東洋圖書 1941 372.86 Y19k
245 音聲學 / Hattori, Shirō 岩波書店 1955 401.4 복47ㅇ
244 based on the principles and requirements of the grammatical society / C.T. Onions : An Advanced english syntax / Onions, C. T Kegan Laul, Trench, Trubner and Co. Ltd 1929 425 O58a5
243 The history of the Dominion of Canada / Clement, W. H. P. (William Henry Pope), 1858- W. Briggs 1898 971 C626h
242 Intruder in the dust / Faulkner, William, 1897-1962 Modern Library 1948 823.9 F263i
241 人生の書 / Yonekawa, Masao 金星堂 1937 891.7 Y55j
240 よくわかる現代國語 / Seki, Ryōichi 旺文社 1973 413 S463y