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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
400 Urban management in Seoul / Kwon, Won-Yong Seoul Development Institute 2001 711.4 U72
399 Asia's next giant / Amsden, Alice H. (Alice Hoffenberg) Oxford University Press 1989 338.09519 A528a
398 Energy / Hogan, Lindsay ABARE 1996 382.951094 E56
397 The Korean crisis: before and after / 한국개발연구원 Korea Development Institute 2000 330.951 K84kc
396 Economic crisis and its social consequences / 한국개발연구원 Korea Development Institute 1999 338.951 K84e
395 Korean agriculture / 김 재수 [s.n.] 1995 630.951 K49k
394 Wealth, income, and inequality / Atkinson, A. B. (Anthony Barnes) Oxford University Press 1980 339.41 A875w2
393 The pacific century / Inha-University. Center for international studies CIS-Inha University 1986 382.04 I55p
392 中國科學技術政策指南 / China. Kuo chia k'o hsueh chi shu wei yuan hui 科學技術文獻出版社 1986 609.52 C539c
391 The East Asian miracle / World Bank Oxford Univ. Press 1993 338.95 E13