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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
98 Freefall :America, free markets, and the sinking of the world economy / Stiglitz, Joseph E W.W. Norton & Co 0 330.973 S855f
97 Britain at work :as depicted by 1998 workplace employee relations survey / Cully, Mark Routledge 1999 331.0942 B862
96 The Swedish economy / Bosworth, Barry Brookings Institution 0 330.9485 S974
95 A whole new ball game :an interpretation of American sports / Guttmann, Allen University of North Carolina Press 0 796.0973 G985w
94 Money and good intentions are not enough, or, Why a liberal democrat thinks states need both competition and community / Brandl, John E Brookings Institution Press 0 321.02 B818m
93 Welfare and work in the open economy / Scharpf, Fritz W Oxford University Press 0 330.126 W4451
92 Labour market and social protection reforms in international perspective :parallel or converging tracks? / Sarfati, Hedva Ashgate 0 331.12042 L125
91 Avoiding the Apocalypse :the future of the two Koreas / Noland, Marcus Institute for International Economics 2000 338.951 N789a
90 The system of industrial relations in Great Britain / Clegg, Hugh Armstrong Blackwell 1972 331.0942 C624s2
89 Empty promises :quality of working life programs and the labor movement / Wells, Don Monthly Review Press 0 331.25 W453e