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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
198 Hidden order :the economics of everyday life / Friedman, David D HarperBusiness 0 330 F911h
197 The politicized economy / Best, Michael H D.C. Heath 0 330.973 B561p2
196 Globalization and the decline of social reform / Teeple, Gary Humanities Press 1995 330.122 T258g
195 Capitalism / Paul, Ellen Frankel Basil Blackwell for the Social Philosophy and Policy Center Bowling Green State University 1989 330.122 C2442
194 Industrial restructuring with job security :the case of European steel / Houseman, Susan N Harvard University Press 1991 331.129 H842i
193 Rolling back the market :economic dogma and political choice / Self, Peter St. Martin's Press 2000 338.9 S465r
192 Corporate governance :a survey of OECD countries / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 0 338.6 C822
191 When corporations rule the world / Korten, David C Berrett-Koehler Publishers 2001 322.3 K85w2
190 How society makes itself :the evolution of political and economic institutions / Sherman, Howard J M.E. Sharpe 0 306.09 S553h
189 After the new economy / Henwood, Doug New Press 0 330.973 H528a