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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
158 How the other half lives :studies among the tenements of New York / Riis, Jacob A Dover 1971 305.569 R572h
157 The recurrent crisis in corporate governance / MacAvoy, Paul W Stanford Business Books 2004 658.4 M113r
156 Affirmative action in the employment of ethnic minorities and persons with disabilities / Aeberhard-Hodges, Jane International Labour Office 1997 331.133 A256
155 Essays on the economics of education / Hoffman, Emily P W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research 1993 379.11 E78
154 Discrimination against women :prevalence, consequences, remedies / Landrine, Hope Sage Publications 0 305.42 D611
153 Economic apartheid in America :a primer on economic inequality & insecurity / Collins, Chuck New Press 2005 330.973 C712e2
152 Corporate business and capitalist classes / Scott, John Oxford University Press 1997 330.122 S427c
151 Taking sides / Rourke, John T Dushkin 0 320 R862t
150 Catch-up industrialization:the trajectory and prospects of East Asian economies / Suehiro, Akira NUS Press 2008 338.95 S944cG
149 Populism in Asia / Mizuno, Kōsuke NUS Press in association with Kyoto University Press, Japan 0 320.95 P831