
번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
96 Nutrition and the athlete / Morella, Joe Mason/Charter 1976 641.1 M841n
95 Short stories / Maugham, William Somerset Sang-Moon-Won 1956 823.9 M449s
94 Running without fear / Cooper, Kenneth H M. Evans 1985 616.1 C776r
93 Research processes in physical education / Clarke, David H Prentice-Hall 1984 613.7 C598r2
92 Muscle relaxants in clinical anesthesia / Bevan, David R Year Book Medical Publishers 1988 617.96 B571m
91 Principles and methods of adapted physical education / Arnheim, Daniel D C. V. Mosby Co 1973 613.7 A748p2
90 Practical measurement of physical performance / Eckert, Helen M Lea & Febiger 1974 613.7 E19p
89 Basic theories of physics / Bergmann, Peter Gabriel Prentice-Hall 1951 530.1 B499b
88 Psychological aspects of physical education and sport / Kane, John Edward Routledge and K. Paul 1972 796.01 K16p
87 Taekwondo textbook / Kim, Un-yong Oh Seoung Publishing Company 1996 796.84 K49t