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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
3250 이코노미스트 實受實評論集, 1971-1980 : 韓國經濟證言과 그課題 / 매일경제신문사 每日經濟新聞社 1980 330.4 매69ㅎ
3249 2000年の日本(各論) / Japan. Keizai Kikakucho^. So^go^ Keikakukyoku 大藏省印刷局 1982 338.953 K28na
3248 Power and interdependence / Keohane, Robert O. (Robert Owen), 1941- Little, Brown 1977 327 K37p
3247 韓國의 敎育과 經濟發展 / 김 영봉 韓國開發硏究院 1980 330.951 한17한
3246 Scenarios 1990, Japan / Japan. Economic Planning Agency. Social Policy Bureau Economic Planning Agency 1982 361.61 S289
3245 Economic analysis of projects / Squire, Lyn, 1946- Published for the World Bank [by] Johns Hopkins University Press 1975 658.155 S774e
3244 2000年の日本(各論) / Japan. Keizai Kikakucho^. So^go^ Keikakukyoku 大藏省印刷局 1982 338.953 K28na
3243 A critique of welfare economics / Little, I Oxford Univ. Press 1958 330.1 L778c2
3242 The Next American frontier / Reich, Robert B Penguin Books 1983 322.3 R347n
3241 International trade and industrial policies / Warnecke, Steven Joshua Macmillan 1978 338.9 I614