
번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
656 Sport and human genetics / Olympic Scientific Congress Human Kinetics Publishers 1986 796 O53n
655 Sport and politics / Olympic Scientific Congress Human Kinetics Publishers 1986 796 O53n
654 Fundamentals of aerodynamics / Anderson, John David McGraw-Hill 1991 629.132 A547f2
653 Law, psychiatry, and morality / Stone, Alan A American Psychiatric Press 1984 614.1 S877l
652 Sport and aging / Olympic Scientific Congress Human Kinetics Publishers 1986 796 O53n
651 저! 히말라야 / 손,경석 成文閣 1978 796.52 손14ㅈ
650 現代體育·スポ-ツ大系 / Asami, Toshio 講談社 1984 796.08 A798g
649 中國武術 / Matsuta, Masashi 新人物往來社 1972 796.8 M434c
648 背骨健康法 / Matsubara, Eita 廣濟堂 1976 617.3 송67ㅂ
647 Softball guide / Alexander, Betty American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation 1964 796.357 S681