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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
5467 Christianity and the problem of history / Shinn, Roger Lincoln Scribner 1953 901 S556c
5466 Christianity and the Roman government / Hardy, Ernest George, 1852-1925 George Allen & Unwin 1971 937 H258c
5465 Christianity in Africa / Northcott, Cecil, 1902- Westminster Press 1963 276 N873c
5464 Christianity in Japan, 1971-90 / Kumazawa, Yoshinobu, 1929- Kyobunkwan (Christian Literature Society of Japan) 1991 275.2 C5551
5463 Dogmatics in outline / Barth, Karl, 1886-1968 SCM Press 1966 230 B284dT
5462 The Growth of religious diversity / Parsons, Gerald Routledge in association with the Open University 1994 283 G884
5461 改訳ギリシア·ローマ神話 / Bulfinch, Thomas, 1796-1897 岩波書店 1953 082 암841
5460 ヴェーバーと丸山政治学 / Takimura, Takakazu, 1944- 勁草書房 1987 320 T1365v
5459 ヴェーバーと近代文化人の悲劇 / Yoshime, Katsuhiko, 1948- 恒星社厚生閣 2001 301 Y65v
5458 ヴェーバー·デュルケム·日本社会 / Sōkan Shakai Kagaku Yūshi ハーベスト社 2000 301 S683v