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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
89 Erecting structural steel / Oppenheimer, Samuel P McGraw-Hill 1960 693.7 O62e
88 Probability and random processes / Grimmett, Geoffrey Clarendon Press 1982 519.2 G864p
87 Finite models and methods of dynamics in structures / Henrych, Josef Elsevier 1990 624.17 H525f
86 Apartments and dormitories / Holden, Thomas S McGraw-Hill 1970 728.31 H726a
85 ACI design handbook / ACI Committee 340 American Concrete Institute 1991 624.171 D4572A5
84 Design and control of concrete mixtures / Kosmatka, Steven H Portland Cement Association 1988 620.136 K86d13
83 Uniform building code standards / International Conference of Building Officials International Conference of Building Officials 1900 692.3 U58
82 Global architecture / Cerver, Francisco Asensio Ediciones Atrium S.A 1991 724.6 G562
81 建築·土木·土地관련 실무·질의·회신·판례 / 대한건설법령편찬회 도서출판녹야 1995 343.5107896 대91ㄱ
80 스타일링/월포드 / Stiring, James 명지 1990 720.942 스838ㅅ명
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