서명 / 저자Studies in Chinese literature /edited by John L. Bishop.
개인저자 Bishop, John Lyman.
발행사항Cambridge, Mass. :Harvard University Press,
형태사항245 p. ;26 cm.
총서사항Harvard-Yenching Institute studies ;21
서지주기Bibliographical references included in footnotes.
일반사항Articles reprinted from the Harvard journal of Asiatic studies, Studia Serica Bernhard Karlgren dedicata and the Far Eastern quarterly. Includes original pagination.
내용Rhymeprose on literature, by A. Fang.--The Fu of T'ao Ch'ien by J.R. Hightower.--The Wen hsuan and genre theory, by J.R. Hightower.--Some characteristics of parallel prose, by J.R. Hightower.--The Shi-shuo hsin-yu and Six Dynasties prose style, by Y. Kojiro.--Metrical origins of the Ts'u, by G.W. Baxter.--A colloquial short story in the novel Chin p'ing mei, by J.L. Bishop.--Some limitations of Chinese fiction, By J.L. Bishop.
주제명Chinese literature.


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