
번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
1119 Beyond the numbers game / Hamilton, David, 1943- Macmillan 1977 375 B573
1118 Basic Montessori / Gettman, David St. Martin's Press 1988 370.15 G394b
1117 Between borders / Giroux, Henry A Routledge 1994 370.19 B565
1116 Education re-formed / Maclure, Stuart Hodder & Stoughton 1989 344.2047 M166e2
1115 Education policy implementation / Odden, Allan State University of New York Press 1991 379.73 E24
1114 Education and the development of reason / Dearden, R. F Routledge and K. Paul 1972 370.15 D285e
1113 Education and social transition in the Third World / Carnoy, Martin Princeton University Press 1990 370.19 C291ea
1112 The concept of education / Peters, R. S Routledge & Kegan Paul 1967 370.1 C744
1111 Comparative education / Halls, W. D J. Kingsley Publishers 1990 370.19 C737
1110 Classroom practice / Clandinin, D. Jean Falmer Press 1986 371.1 C587c