
번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
1059 Foucault and education / Ball, Stephen J Routledge 1990 370.1 F763
1058 Gender and the politics of schooling / Arnot, Madeleine Unwin Hyman 1987 370.4 G325
1057 Giddens' theory of structuration / Bryant, Christopher G. A Routledge 1991 301 G453
1056 Great teachers / Peterson, Houston, 1897- Rutgers university press 1946 923.7 P485g
1055 Greenfield on educational administration / Greenfield, T. Barr (Thomas Barr) Routledge 1993 371.2 G812g
1054 Group processes in the classroom / Schmuck, Richard A W. C. Brown 1971 370.19 S356g
1053 Human inquiry in action / Reason, Peter Sage Publications 1988 300.1 R288h
1052 Human memory / Baddeley, Alan D., 1934- Allyn and Bacon 1990 153.12 B132h
1051 The educational theory of Jean Jacques Rousseau / Boyd, William, 1874- Russell & Russell 1963 370.1 B789e
1050 Empathy and its development / Eisenberg, Nancy Cambridge University Press 1987 152 E36e