
번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
959 Successful restaurant operation / Chiffriller, Thomas F CBI Pub. Co 1982 647.95 C534s
958 Tourism marketing / Coltman, Michael M., 1930- Van Nostrand Reinhold 1989 338.4 C724t
957 Tourism in contemporary society / Hudman, Lloyd E Prentice-Hall 1989 338.4 H884t
956 Tourism / Mill, Robert Christie Prentice Hall 1990 338.4 M645t
955 The tourist business / Lundberg, Donald E Van Nostrand Reinhold 1990 647.97 L962t6
954 Economics in action / Cameron, Beverly J St. Martin's Press 1984 330 C182e
953 Effective personnel management / Schuler, Randall S West Pub. Co 1983 658.3 S386e
952 An experiential approach to organization development / Harvey, Donald F Prentice Hall 1988 658.16 H341e3
951 Handbook of organizational behavior / Golembiewski, Robert T M. Dekker 1993 302.35 H236
950 バイオ電磁工學とその應用 / Ōmori, Toyoaki フジテクノシステム 1992 621.343 B615