
번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
799 Reconstructing education / Nemiroff, Greta Bergin & Garvey 1992 370.112 N434r
798 The religion of the Greeks and Romans / Kerenyi, Karl, 1897-1973 Dutton 1962 209.37 K39rH
797 産業安全工學ハンドブック / Lees, Frank P 海文堂 1989 658.5 L487sI
796 小作騷動に關する史料集 / Nōsei Chōsakai 국학자료원 1996 953.1 N897k
795 Marxism / structuralism / education / Sarup, Madan Falmer Press 1984 370.19 S251m
794 Marxism, fascism, Cold War / Nolte, Ernst, 1923- Humanities Press 1982 320.53 N798m
793 Marxism, an historical and critical study / Lichtheim, George, 1912- Columbia University Press 1982 335.4 L699m
792 Marxist philosophy / Afanasyev, Viktor Grigor'evich Progress Publishers 1980 193 A256mF4
791 Max Weber, rationality and modernity / Lash, Scott Allen & Unwin 1987 301.0924 M465
790 The media and the people / Brown, Charlene J Holt, Rinehart and Winston 1978 301.243 B877m