
번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
779 The Marxian legacy / Howard, Dick, 1943- Macmillan 1977 335.409 H848m
778 The limits of political science / Johnson, Nevil Clarendon Press 1989 320.7 J68l
777 Locke's Two treatises of government / Ashcraft, Richard Allen and Unwin 1987 192 A823l
776 Makers of modern strategy / Paret, Peter Princeton University Press 1986 355.43 P228m
775 動詞の意味·用法の記述的硏究 / Kokuritsu Kokugo Kenkyūjo 秀英出版 1980 413.5 K79d
774 Zur philosophischen Aktualität Heideggers / Papenfuss, Dietrich Vittorio Klostermann 1991 193 Z96
773 Paideia / Jaeger, Werner Blackwell 1943 183.08 J22pH2
772 The pleasures of philosophy / Frankel, Charles W.W.Norton & Company 1972 320.1 F829p
771 淸史稿 / Chao, Erh-hsün 中華書局 1995 952.6 C461c
770 近代中國史硏究通訊 / Chung yang yen chiu yüan. Chin tai shih yen chiu so 中央硏究院 近代史硏究所 1976 952.608 C559c