
번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
699 The shadow state / Wolch, Jennifer R Foundation Center 1990 361.7 W848s
698 Small states in world markets / Katzenstein, Peter J Cornell University Press 1985 338.94 K19s
697 Soviet documents on foreign policy / Degras, Jane Tabrisky, 1905- Octagon Books 1978 327.47 D321s
696 The state of public bureaucracy / Hill, Larry B M. E. Sharpe 1992 353.01 S797
695 The State of welfare / Barr, N. A Clarendon Press 1990 361.65 S797
694 State apparatus / Clark, Gordon L Allen and Unwin 1984 320.15 C593s
693 The state, public policy and NIC development / 김 석준 Dae Young Moonwhasa 1988 338.9 K49s
692 Stakeholders of the organizational mind / Mitroff, Ian I Jossey-Bass 1983 658.4 M684s
691 Social planning / Walker, Alan Basil Blackwell 1984 361.61 W177s
690 Social science and social welfare / Romanyshyn, John M., 1920- Council on Social Work Education 1974 361 R761s