
번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
519 Landscape design with plants / Clouston, Brian Van Nostrand Reinhold 1979 712 L263
518 Molecular biology and biotechnology / Walker, J. M Royal Society of Chemistry 1988 574.88 W181mo2
517 Public sector performance / Miller, Trudi C Johns Hopkins University Press 1984 350 M651p
516 Regional policy; readings in theory and applications / Friedmann, John MIT Press 1975 309.24 F911r
515 Electronic instrumentation and measurements / Bell, David A., 1930- Prentice Hall Career and Technology 1994 621.37 B414e2
514 Power system analysis and design / Glover, J. Duncan PWS Pub 1994 621.319 G556p2
513 Newspapers and democracy / Smith, Anthony, 1938- MIT Press 1980 070 S642n
512 Statistical methods for the social and behavioral sciences / Marascuilo, Leonard A W.H. Freeman 1988 300.1 M311s
511 Comparative communism / Bertsch, Gary K W. H. Freeman 1976 335.43 C737
510 Empirical political analysis / Manheim, Jarol B., 1946- Prentice-Hall 1981 320 M277e