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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
1135 Choosing the president / League of Women Voters (U.S.). Education Fund League of Women Voters EducationFund 1968 324.73 L434c
1134 近代市民社會思想史 / 홍 사중 한길사 1981 301.01 홍51ㄱ
1133 政治思想史 / 백 상건 一潮閣 1966 320.1 백51ㅈㄴ
1132 The social meanings of suicide / Douglas, Jack D Princeton University Press 1967 301.1 D734s
1131 Opposition politics: the anti-New Deal tradition / Boskin, Joseph Glencoe Press 1968 320.973 B743o
1130 靑丘學術論集 / Kankoku Bunka Kenkyū Shikō Zaidan 韓國文化硏究振興財團 1991 951.105 청17
1129 American democracy / Weissberg, Robert, 1941- Wiley 1972 320.973 W432a
1128 Perspectives on our time / Davy, Francis X., 1916- Houghton Mifflin 1970 808.0427 D268p
1127 Up the mainstream / Reid, Herbert G D. McKay Co 1974 320.1 U65
1126 Foreign policy decision making: the new dimensions / United Nations Association of the United States of America United Nations Association of the United States of America 1973 327.11 F714