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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
576 Consenting children? s.n.] 2001 384.5544 C755
575 Competition/local TV / United States. Federal Communications Commission FCC 2000 384.550973 U58f
574 Analyzing media / Chesebro, James W Guilford Press 1996 302.23 C524a
573 America's town hall / Lamb, Brian, 1941- Acropolis Books 1988 328.73 L218a
572 American literary criticism from the thirties to the eighties / Leitch, Vincent B., 1944- Columbia University Press 1988 801.95 L533a
571 Agents of power / Altschull, J. Herbert Longman 1984 070 A469a
570 After the new criticism / Lentricchia, Frank University of Chicago Press 1980 801 L574a
569 Aesthetic theory / Adorno, Theodor W., 1903-1969 Routledge and K. Paul 1984 101 A241aL
568 The aesthetics of Freud / Spector, Jack J McGraw-Hill book Company 1974 150.1952 S741a
567 Media events / Dayan, Daniel, 1943- Harvard University Press 1992 384.509 D275m