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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
1501 Moorings & metaphors / Holloway, Karla F. C., 1949- Rutgers University Press 1992 820.9 H745m
1500 Modern selected short stories introduction & Notes / 김 계민 Hakmunsa 1982 808.83 김14ㅁ
1499 Modern short stories / 영어영문학회 Hyung-Seul Pub 1991 823.9 영63ㅁ
1498 Modernity at large / Appadurai, Arjun, 1949- University of Minnesota Press 1996 306 A646m
1497 Modern rhetorical criticism / Hart, Roderick P Allyn and Bacon 1997 808 H326m2
1496 Writing the image after Roland Barthes / Rabate, Jean-Michel, 1949- University of Pennsylvania Press 1997 770.1 W956
1495 Writing themes about literature / Roberts, Edgar V Prentice Hall 1991 808 R643w7
1494 Wuthering heights / Bronte, Emily, 1818-1848 New American Library 1959 823.8 B869w
1493 Writing the environment / Kerridge, Richard Zed Books 1998 801.95 W956
1492 Writing seminars in the content area / Workman, Brooke, 1933- National Council of Teachers of English 1983 823.5 W926w