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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
934 The curriculum / Holmes, Brian Unwin Hyman 1989 375 H749c
933 The philosophical foundations of education / Cahn, Steven M Harper and Row 1970 370.1 C132p
932 Curriculum planning, the dynamics of theory and practice / Brubaker, Dale L Scott, Foresman 1982 375 B886c
931 Curriculum development / Brady, Laurie Prentice-Hall 1987 375 B812c2
930 Modern elementary curriculum / Shepherd, Gene D Holt, Rinehart, Winston 1982 372.2 S548m6
929 思考開發硏究 / 대한사고개발연구회 大韓思考開發硏究會 1991 370.5 사15
928 Journal of curriculum studies Taylor & Francis 1968 371.305 J86
927 Education / Institut fur Wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mit Entwicklungslandern (Tübingen, Germany) Institute for Scientific Co-operation 19 370.5 E24
926 Work-based learning / Hoerner, James L Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 1995 370.973 H694w
925 The structure of sociological theory / Turner, Jonathan H Dorsey Press 1978 301.01 T948s2
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