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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
32 地理歷史硏究 / Chiri Rekishi Kenkyūkai 地理歷史硏究會 19 911.05 C541
31 Japanese journal of geology and geography / Nihon Gakujutsu Kaigi Science Council of Japan 1922 555.305 J35
30 陶磁 / Tōyō Tōji Kenkyūzo 1929 738.1305 T645
29 The Professional geographer / Association of American Geographers The Association 1946 910.5 P9641
28 Geographical survey / Blue earth country geographical society Mankato state college 19 910.5 G345b
27 Geographical review / Bowman, Isaiah, 1878-1950 American Geographical Society 1916 910.5 G345r
26 The Far Eastern quarterly / Far Eastern Association Far Eastern Association 1941 950.5 A832
25 美術 美術出版社 1944 705 B594.
24 立正地理學會予槁集 / Risshō Chiri Gakkai 立正地理學會 19 910.5 R596
23 文藝春秋 文藝春秋 1923 813.05 문64
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8