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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
547 The application of the European convention on human rights / Fawcett, J. E. S. (James Edmund Sandford), 1913- Clarendon 1987 341.481 F111a2
546 General theory of law and state / Kelsen, Hans Harvard Univ. Press 1945 340.1 K29l
545 Lehrbuch des Verfassungsprozessrechts / Benda, Ernst C. F. Müller 1991 342.43 B458l
544 現代の憲法論 / Kenpō Hanrei Kenkyūkai 敬文堂出版部 1970 342.53 헌43ㄱ
543 憲法講義 2 / Ōsuga, Akira 有斐閣 1979 342 O85k
542 Philosophy and revolution / Dunayevskaya, Raya Delacorte Press 1973 335.4 D897p
541 American public opinion / Erikson, Robert S Wiley 1980 301.152 E68a2
540 「きめ方」の論理 / Saeki, Yutaka 東京大學出版會 1982 350.1 S127k
539 Besonderes Verwaltungsrecht / Munch, Ingo von Walter de Gruyter 1985 344 B566w7
538 敎育權と敎育の自由 / Maki, Masana 新日本出版社 1996 370.26 M235k